Sunday, 4 May 2014

40 TOP Selenium Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Most Frequently Selenium Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced pdf free download
1. Select the component which is NOT part of Selenium suite.
2. Select the language which is NOT supported by the Selenium RC.
3. Select the name which is NOT the type of the locaters.
4. Is Web Driver a component of the Selenium?
5. Selenium IDE stands for
6. Select the Browser which is supported by Selenium IDE
7. Select the operating system which is NOT supported by Selenium IDE.
8. The Web driver is used
9. The Selenium IDE is used
10. The Selenium RC is used
11. Out of the following which can only test web applications
12. Select the command which is NOT a type of assertion in Selenium IDE.
13. Select the method which selects the option at the given index.
14. The Selenium can
15. The Selenium
16. Can Google chrome be supported by Selenium IDE?
17. Can Unix operating system be supported by Selenium IDE?
18. Which command can be used to enter values onto text boxes?
19. Select the language which is supported by The Selenium Web Driver
20. Which Selenium component supports All Operating System?
21. Select the command in Selenium IDE used to open a page using the URL.
22. In case of Selenium IDE, the Source view shows your script in
23. The Actions commands
24. Select the command which is used to check the presence of a certain element.
25. Select the command which is used to print a string value or a variable in Selenium IDE.
26. Which component of Selenium can create customized test results.
27. Select the command which is used to compare the contents of a table with expected values.
28. Select the command which is used to pause execution until the specified element becomes present.
29. Select the command that will NOT wait for a new page to load before moving onto the next command.
30. Select the command which is used to pause execution until the page is loaded completely.
31. Select the syntax to locate an element using inner text.
32. Select the command which is used to compare the actual page title with an expected value.
33. Select the command which is NOT used in verifying page elements.
34. Select the tab which gives feedback and other useful information when executing tests.
35. What is TestNG?
36. Select the variation which finds elements based on the driver’s underlying CSS selector engine in Web driver Selenium.
37. Select the variation which locates elements by the value of the “name” attribute in Web driver Selenium
38. Select the tab that shows which command Selenium IDE is currently executing.
39. Which is a faster component between the SeleniumWeb driver and Selenium RC?
40. Select the variation which locates elements by the value of their “id” attribute in Web Driver Selenium

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